Ready to unlock the power of maps for real-world impact? This course is your gateway to designing web applications that unlock the potential of geospatial data.

The next course run begins Monday 4 March 2024.

Advanced Agent Based Modelling. Pre-requisite(s): Intro to ABM.
Interested in taking this course as a tailor made training? Contact for more information.

Whether you are a farmer looking to integrate UAV data into your toolkit, a researcher venturing into precision agriculture, or a UAV enthusiast seeking practical applications for your hobby, this course is for you!

The next course run begins Monday 4 March 2024.

Are you ready to explore power dynamics and ethics related to everyday geographic data? This teaser module of GeoTechE is focused on understanding the context of geodata production and linked ethics concerns. 

The next course run begins Monday 4 March 2024.

This powerful simulation approach is widely used by scientists, stakeholders, and policy makers, particularly when coupled with geospatial and agricultural management data. Over the next few weeks you too will learn to grasp complex ABM concepts, craft ABMS with geospatial data, and code in NetLogo. 

The next course run begins Monday 4 March, 2024.